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National Volunteers Week is here. Come on give it a go!

May holds many special occasions to recognise and celebrate. We have International Nurses Day and Mother’s Day, but May is also important for Volunteers. From the 20th of May to the 26th of May it is National Volunteer Week in Australia and during this week our facilities will celebrate and thank all our volunteers for their contribution to our communities at Vacenti. We will also be hosting morning teas with organisations who have volunteered their time to come in and visit with residents.

It is the largest annual volunteering celebration, highlighting volunteers’ important role in our community, particularly for the way they enrich our residents’ lives across our Homes in Southeast Queensland. Whether you volunteer directly with residents or help in various departments, the time and effort given are always appreciated. Being a volunteer can a daily, weekly or monthly contribution and you will enjoy the community Vacenti has created at our facilities.

Our volunteers provide additional support allowing our residents to interact and engage with various demographics. Volunteers provide meaningful and enjoyable experiences for our residents and are part of our person-centred approach to delivering care. Feedback also included the benefits of relationships created, especially friendships formed, promoting self-confidence by developing new skills and satisfaction in knowing you are giving back to a community of people.

Volunteers reported gaining an awareness of the needs of older people in residential care and described the benefits of the relationship created during their time with Residents. Furthermore, it assists in developing new skills while experiencing personal satisfaction in knowing you are giving back to a community or people. Volunteering promotes self-confidence and friendship building. Especially in the health care sector volunteers are valuable as they assist in providing personalised care to meet the needs of Residents. 

We deliver an onboarding experience for our volunteers that includes training and orientation. We familiarise all volunteers with the Vacenti Vision and go on to provide ongoing support and further training for our volunteers. Vacenti has legislative requirements to meet with volunteers such as safety and National Police Checks. We will assist you every step of the way and pay for your National Police Check.

We are looking for more volunteers and welcome people passionate about serving and giving back to sign up now!

If your organisation would like to organise a volunteer day with us or for individuals who are looking to volunteer regularly, contact us directly or jump onto the volunteers’ page for more details and we look forward to welcoming you to Vacenti.