What to Expect
Welcoming you into our home
Decision making
Some residents have capacity to make their own decisions however when you are unable to make decision for yourself/loved one and therefore we need to know who your/your loved ones legal substitute decision maker is. This could be a statutory health attorney, a power of attorney or an enduring power of attorney (EPOA).
In this case, Vacenti staff will always endeavour to contact your EPOA for relevant financial or health care matters. We understand that there may be multiple EPOA and decisions may be listed to be made jointly or severally. These can be complex matters, so please ask if you need more information.
Advance Care Planning – Queensland Health recognised
The time may come when you/your loved one cannot speak for yourself/themselves, therefore it is important to plan in advance. In health care we call this Advance Care Planning. All representatives are asked to actively plan for the future to ensure the person’s wishes are carried out.
Advance care plans are used by us, the Medical Practitioner and the hospital should this be needed. Advance care plans only come into affect when you/your loved one cannot communicate your/their health care decisions.
Note: The Queensland Government has a document called Statement of Choices – Advance care planning. Visit the website for the form at; www.mycaremychoices.com.au
The Statement of Choices focuses on your/your loved ones wishes and choices for your/your loved ones health care into the future to guide management of care if you/your loved one are unable to communicate your decisions.
As part of your health care assessment and care planning, the registered nurse will ask you or your representatives if there is a EPOA for health and finances and for a copy of the Statement of Choices document. If there is no EPOA, staff will need to know if there is an advance care plan and who the substitute decision maker is (Statutory Health Attorney). Your/loved ones Medical Practitioner and Legal Adviser will be able to assist with information in relation to planning in advance.

Vacenti Care planning
As a Commonwealth subsidised aged care service, Vacenti’s aim is to deliver a high standard of personal and clinical care that is aligned with the resident’s needs, goals and preferences to optimise resident health and wellbeing.
To achieve this goal, staff will undertake initial and ongoing assessments and care planning, in partnership with you and/or your representative.
When you/your loved one enter your/their new home, we understand it can be an overwhelming time with a new information to absorb. We balance getting to know you and your representatives, with establishing your care and service requirements as soon as possible.
During your first week
On the first day, the Registered Nurse will meet with you/your loved one to discuss your/loved ones needs, answer your questions and complete an interim care plan to guide staff.
More detailed clinical assessments and information will be collected over subsequent weeks when you/your loved one have had more time to settle in to your new home.
It is helpful for us if you and/or your representative can return the ‘Getting to know’ form so that we can learn more about you.
We request that the general practitioner of your/loved ones choice visit you/loved ones within the first 48 hours to provide an initial medical assessment and confirm any medication and treatment requirements.
During your first month
A registered nurse will invite you and/or your representative to attend an appointment to discuss the plan for your care and services. This is called a Care Consultation.
The Care Consultation is about sharing information, to guide the assessment of needs and the development of a care plan. We talk through your/your loved ones needs and expectations for personal, clinical, medical and social wellbeing.
After a week of settling in, the registered nurses carry out more thorough assessments over a four week period to ensure we are fully aware of your abilities, health care needs and lifestyle preferences. This includes assessing the amount of assistance and support you/your loved ones would like to receive and the choices you/your loved one would like to make including taking risks.
Your individualised care plan is then completed based on your/your loved one assessments, outlining what you/your loved one would like us to do in order to support and care for you.
You and/or your representative are welcome to discuss or access your care plan at any time.
Ongoing health and wellbeing
Once your/your loved ones individualised care plan is completed (usually 5 weeks after entry), it is reviewed and updated when there are changes to your/your loved ones health care needs, goals or preferences.
We evaluate your/your loved ones care plan more formally every 4 months, in partnership with you and/or your representative.
At anytime, you and/or your representative are welcome to discuss your care and services in a Care Consultation. A consultation may involve any other party of your/your loved one’s choice; such as your Medical Practitioner, Allied Health teams, our Chef or Lifestyle Coordinator.
We promote an annual Care Consultation with you and/or your representative so that we can partner with you/loved one in the planning of your care and services.
For more information
If you would like more information on what to expect at our Vacenti residences, please contact us or download our informational booklet for families and friends.