Eileen has been with Vacenti for 21 years this November! Eileen came from a Registered Nurse background and has had many roles with us, starting off as an AIN for three years and 11 years as a physiotherapist assistant, she then started as a Lifestyle Officer and has been the Lifestyle Coordinator for the last two years.
The best part of being in the Lifestyle Department and what she loves the most is listening to people’s stories and making people happy. Especially when there has been a big event organised and seeing the residents beam with excitement and joy to be a part of it. Part of her previous roles involved helping people move and she enjoys bringing those skills into this role and helping our residents keep active, sometimes without them realising it. She enjoys connecting and building relationships and loves seeing people achieve and celebrate their success.
The attributes she assigns to the lifestyle role include being a positive and happy person who can radiate joy, a good listener, and having the ability to see the hidden meanings and read between the lines about what the residents are trying to say through body language. Sometimes it is in the things people don’t say where you gain an understanding of their needs and being present in a resident’s reality. The ability to not take yourself seriously, have fun and encourage others to do the same, sometimes initiating and being the first one to give it a go. Bring out the silly side of yourself and others by being comfortable with people, compassionate and being able to empathise.
Her future aspirations are to continue as the Lifestyle Coordinator and really make it her own role, she feels after taking over the position she is just settling in and finding her own rhythm. Moving on she wants to continue working with her cohort and the beautiful grounds at Marebello by utilising the spaces for residents, building up the Lifestyle Department and teaching others.